"I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman!" Inspired by the 90s animated series, the 5 Points Batman: The Animated Series Deluxe Set contains everyone’s favorite crime-fighting duo and a variety of Gotham City’s most notorious villains, each complete with their own interchangeable heads, arms, and accessories. Each figure is individually packaged in a retro style blister card, perfect for display. The Batmobile features two seats that Batman and Robin can sit in, rotating wheels with wheel slashers, a sliding cabin roof, and an attachable rocket flame in the rear engine exhaust and you are ready to roll out! The Batmobile is packaged in a window box, perfect for display.
5 Points are Mezco’s upgrade to the articulated action figures of yesteryear. These highly detailed, posable action figures feature some of pop culture’s most familiar faces, both old and new.
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